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Summer School 2016Prague 9-12 September "The evolution of biomedicine: challenges in ethics and professionalism" The summer school is an international multiprofessional and interdisciplinary workshop for students and young professionals. The teaching method is interactive - with the opportunity for dialogue and discussions in seminars, workshops and debates. Scarica informazioni 


 - involving students and teachers alike.The topics were proposed, evaluated and explored by an international planning group formed by some of the participating students over a six-month period. Supervised by established professionals, the process produced the baseline material for the course.

The total cost is €130, including accommodation and meals for the days of the Summer School.

Target group
International students and young professionals (20- 35 years old) from diverse biomedical professions (medical doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc.)
Maximum: 25 participants

English, Italian, German, Czech.

In the current complex environment of health systems, the need for a human touch and satisfactory training of health professionals is bigger than ever. There is a need to care for the whole human person and not simply pathology.
Effective integration between different health professionals and various services (e.g. hospital and community) is required to avoid fragmentation and ensure a holistic view of patient care,
The Summer School aims to:
Increase awareness of topics considered fundamental to health professionals, but often ignored in traditional teaching.
Lay the basis for professional methodology and practice, to respond effectively to the challenges and emerging needs in health internationally.

Professionalism in healthcare professionals and daily clinical practice
Informed Consent
Ethics in Research: Conflict of Interest
An attendance certificate will be issued at the end of the course.

Centrum Mariapoli Prague - Vinor
Mladoboleslavská 667
CZ – 190 17 Prague 9 – Vinor
tel.: +420 286 007 711
fax: +420 286 007 709


The program will start 9th September at 15:00 a.m. and will end on 12th September at 1:00 p.m.
The total cost is €130, including accommodation and meals for the days of the Summer School.
Fill in the registration form which will soon be available at and submit it via email to O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo.
Registrations will be accepted after payment of the full amount through bank transfer to:
IBAN: IT68L0335901600100000113321

Come raggiungere il Centro Mariapoli

con il servizio di trasporti pubblici:

Con l'autobus 375 dalla stazione "Vysočanská" della metropolitana "B", oppure con gli autobus 185, 302, 375, 378 dalla stazione "Letňany" della metropolitana "C", fino alla fermata "Vinořský hřbitov" (il Centro si trova di fronte alla fermata attraversando la strada)

in automobile:

sulla circonvallazione di Praga seguire la direzione Mladá Boleslav, uscita Radonice, girare a destra al primo incrocio dopo l'uscita e, una volta a Radonice, andare a sinistra in direzione di Praha-Vinoř

GPS: 50°08'46.4"N 14°34'54.3"E

Come raggiungere

For more information contact: O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo.

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